Helinks STS

Substation Tool Set


Support for all major IED vendors, while retaining independence

Bottom-Up and Top-Down

Choose the workflow that fits your requirements

All Editions

Helinks STS supports all editions of IEC61850

Key Features


Excel Import and Export

Import your existing signals, STS will automatically create a specification of your substation from them.

Use your signals in STS, then export them again to Excel.

SCL files

Handle all SCL files

Need to merge some CID files into an SCD? Import an IID file, configure it and export it as a CID? Export a SED file to use in a different project?

STS can import and export all SCL file types defined in IEC61850.

Standardised Solutions

Standardised Solutions

Store your bays, equipment, functions, and applications as templates in a library. Boost your efficiency by reusing them in subsequent projects.

Working with contractors? Let them use your library to ensure consistency in your substations.

Automatic IED Configuration

Automatic IED Configuration

Using your specification, STS can automatically create the right Data Sets, Control Blocks, and ExtRefs for all IEDs. IED Vendor specific modules called vendor packages ensure device specific quirks are accounted for.

SCL Editor

Native SCL Editor

Sick of Notepad engineering? STS includes a powerful SCL editor that gives you full control over the IEC61850 data model, allowing you to easily make sweeping changes without getting lost in XML tags.

Application Templates

Application Templates

Use Basic Application Profiles as defined in IEC61850-7-6 and IEC61850-90-30 to create standardised solutions for your GOOSE, Sampled Value, and MMS Report signal flow.

Reuse the same applications across all your projects to simplify testing.

Automatic Documentation

Automatic Documentation

STS can generate documentation for your substation with information about signal flow, networks, devices, and more. Annotate the Single Line Diagram and Network Diagram to enhance the documentation further.

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IEC60870-5 101/104 Support

Calculate 101 and 104 addresses based off your 61850 data.

Customisable Signal Table

Add and remove columns as you need them

Data Type Editor

Create your own data types for logical nodes, data objects, and data attributes.

Hydro and DER Support

Helinks STS comes with out-of-the-box support for IEC61850-7-410 and 7-420.

IED Crafter

Easily create IED data models for ICD, ISD, IID, and CID files from scratch.

Reverse Specification

Got already configured IEDs? STS can reverse engineer a IEC61850 specification out of existing IED configurations.

Example Workflow

Reusable Specification

Reusable Specification

Create a complete functional specification of your substation, including signal flow between logical nodes. This specification is independent of specific IEDs.

Once you are done, store your bays, functions, equipment, and applications as templates in a library.

IEDs and Networks

IEDs and Networks

Import your IEDs from any SCL file type, connect them to your networks and configure the network parameters.

If your IED is already fully configured, lock it to prevent any more changes.

Map IEDs

Map IEDs to Specification

Implement your specification by creating a mapping between logical nodes of your specification and logical nodes of an IED.

The mappings are stored in the specification, and can be reused in subsequent projects.

Generate Configuration

Generate Configuration

Helinks STS will use the specification you have created to generate all data sets, control blocks, and inputs with one click - for all IEDs!

Use our powerful SCL Editor to make any changes required afterwards.



Once you are done, export the contents of your projects in any SCL file you need (e.g. SCD, CID), along with signal lists (XLS) and automatically generated documentation of your substation (PDF).

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Watch STS in Action

In this short demonstration, we use templates from a library to rapidly build a substation with

  • 6 Bays, 24 IEDs
  • Station Bus and Process Bus
  • Breaker and Switch Control applications with GOOSE
  • Breaker Failure and Trip application with GOOSE
  • Sampled Value measurements using Merging Units

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